
Thursday, June 21, 2007

Looking like butter wouldn't melt.Grrrrr!

My worse fears have been confirmed-Paris treats her animals 'horribly'
A neighbour has told us her dogs were always turning up outside her home where they had been left to roam the streets.Walking around in thier outfits I'm suprised they wernt mauled by bigger, cooler dogs!
As you know, I'm not fond of cats but what happened to this kitty cat I wouldnt wish on ANY feline. Here's what happened:
Paris was informed that her little orange coloured Kitty was running around outside but still left her out there where she was promtly run over and died. Sob.
To the remaining Paris animal prisoners-Run for your life before she comes back.Run,RUN!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

How cute-I want one!

This goes to prove us dogs are the best animals in the world! We even adopt babies that are other animals (excluding cats).
Dog Xita took this cutie chick chick into his home and made quackers part of the family after it's eviiiil mother abandoned it.
However, if a cat had got hold of it you wouldn't be seeing this picture I tell you!!!
Hopefully Daddy will buy me one as I know ducks don't turn up on your doorstep everyday. I'd even let it have a paddle in my water bowl!

I'm back!!

I had the most fabulous time sunning myself in St Tropez. Sorry to my dedicated readers who must have missed me like a dog misses a bone, but I'm back and you just try getting rid of me! Growl
So much has happened in the land of doggy showbiz but I think we can all agree the best news was Paris going to prison. It may have been a bit harsh sending her to jail for the driving offences but at least it gives Tinkerbell and co a chance to escape her evil clutches!!

Love Amber

P.S I was treated to an uber posh haircut and I'm looking gooood;)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Teri and company

When I saw these pictures my heart just melt.
Teri's dogs obviously loves her as they took her for a much needed walk in L.A the other day.
Teri seems to like it as she is a dog too. WOOF!
Emily Rose, Teri's pup tagged along to for a much needed break before the holidays.
I'm a bit concerned over Teri's stick insect legs. Girlfriend needs to eat!

Pictures by my friends at
  • Flynet Pictures
  • Monday, December 04, 2006


    I don't like cats! Maybe Garfield but that's about it.
    Why on earth would someone want to resemble a cat is beyond me.
    Look at the bride of Wildenstein. She paid £2 million to look look like this!
    I think she should have opted for cockerspaniel ears as she clearly has them already and looks like a dog's dinner.


    Who's in charge?


    Friday, December 01, 2006

    Meet the puggle

    I hear Uma Thurman's puggle likes to watch 'Kill Bill' and 'The Truth About Cats & Dogs'.
    I'm more of a fan of her in 'Pulp Fiction'. What's your favourite Uma film?

    Sheeba and Kylie

    I've liked Kylie ever since she featured dogs in one of her videos a couple of years ago. Check it out below! I'm a big youtube fan by the way.
    When Darryn told me last year that Kylie had cancer I was devastated.
    So that's why I got so happy when I saw this picture! It's one of my favourite ones and I thought I would share it with you.
    Of course Sheeba, her boyfriends Rhodesian ridgeback took care of her and walked her on the streets of Paris to make her feel better.

    Thursday, November 30, 2006

    What's the deal?

    What's the deal ya'll?
    This is what I'm talking about! Parasite Hilton reportedly bribed her dog companion to dress up during photo calls.
    I think it looks weird when people try to make dogs look like humans. Us dogs are so much cooler than your average human. We don't have to dress up to be fabulous. We just are!
    Jude Law's dog has a much more relaxed style and has dressed Jude in a cardie with no fuss what so ever.
    Much better!

    Welcome to my blog!

    I'm so excited to have my own blog!
    It's about time I say. Maybe you recognize me but let me introduce myself.
    My name is Amber Lyons and I'm the one who pretty much runs the show at Big Pictures.
    Don't tell anyone though! From now on I will (with some help from my assistant Michael) write about celebrities and their dogs and pets.
    Someone I'm not too fond of is Paris Hilton as an example! Dogs should be allowed to run free and check out cool stuff. Not sit in a handbag! Shame on you! Someone I do like though is Jude Law cause he always lets his dogs take him out for long walks all the time.
    Please feel free to comment on what I write. I look forward to chatting with you.


    Amber Lyons